Poker- Rules for misdeals.

Poker is a game at which large sums of money can change hands, so it is as well to agree a procedure for those irregularities that can happen by accident even practiced card players. The following are recommended action for certain situation.


A deal counts as a misdeal if any of the following happens.

  • Some cards are found not to be included in the pack.
  • some cards in the pack are discovered to be faced, i.e. are face up rather than face down.
  • Any player points out that the cards weren't properly shuffled and cut.
  • The dealer accidentally drops and faces cards.
  • More than one player has the wrong number of cards.

The deal is cancelled and the dealer loses his turn. The deal passes to the next player. The cards must be shuffled and cut again before the new deal. Any antes in the pot remain, and are duplicated by the antes properly made for the next pot. By prior agreement, misdeals cancelled because of the dealer's error may insure a fine on him, say one chip to each player.

Other errors are less serious and do not result in a misdeal.

  • If a dealer makes a mistakes during the deal which can be easily rectified, such as accidentally dealing a card to the wrong player, he can correct it by transferring the card as necessary.
  • If a dealer omits a player in the deal he must give his own hand to the omitted player. If he deals a hand too many, the excess hand becomes dead, i.e. it is discarded and put to one side.
  • Players should count their cards before looking at them, and if a player finds he has a card too few, the dealer should give him the top card of the pack. if a player has a card too many, the last card dealt is returned to dealer and is dead.
Tips from

Posted byAngel-Fire at 1:26 AM  


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