Brag: A popular poker game

Brag: A form of poker games.

Brag poker is a form of poker which is mostly played in Britain. Brag-poker game is supposed to be the earlier form of poker, you can say Brag-poker is the ancestor of modern poker games. In this poker game three cards are given to each player and betting interval is one. No draw is there. In this game only three classes of hand are there, namely....

  • pair-royal
  • highest card
  • pair
'Braggers' or wild cards were usually used and a hand with a bragger id inferior to one of an equal rank without. Now a days in modernized Brag-poker, straights, normally called 'runs', and Flushes are recognized, wild cards were used normally.

One can make out that a flush can be beaten by run. Run is more frequent than flush, because- as i said earlier- unlike modern five-card poker brag is three-card poker game. A hand is said 'Prial' when it is three of kind. Obviously hand with higher combination wins when rank of hand are equal, prial of Aces is exceptional case. 'A K Q' can usually be beaten by 'A 2 3', as Aces is optionally high or low. To avoid arguments this should be agreed before play begins. The deal passes to the left,the dealer usually places an agreed amount in the 'Kitty', as the pol or pot is known, and players in turn to his left have the choice of dropping, calling or raising. When bets are equalized, there is a showdown, the best hand taking the kitty.

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Posted byAngel-Fire at 10:56 PM  


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